
Calcined kaolin and washed kaolin have the following differences:
1, The nature of the original soil is different. Calcined kaolin is calcined through, crystal type and original soil properties have been changed.
However, washing kaolin is only a physical treatment, which will not change the properties of the original soil.
2, The whiteness is different. The whiteness will increase after the smoke firing of calcined kaolin. Water washing with kaolin did not increase significantly
Add whiteness.
3, The application is different. Calcined kaolin is often used as a papermaking additive and refractory aggregate. And washed kaolin one
It is generally used as papermaking filler.
4, The cost is different. The cost of calcined kaolin is high, while the cost of washed kaolin is low.
5, The original soil adhesion is different. Calcined kaolin, the original soil is not cohesive, can not be directly used as a raw material for papermaking or refractory materials, need to be calcined after application. The original soil of washed kaolin has adhesive property and can be directly used as refractory binder or papermaking filler.

Post time: Jun-19-2024